Here is my first submission from a reader! I should have known that my great friend Jason would be my first!
The Lady in the Hallway
Right after we had gotten married in 1999, my wife and
I moved into a tiny crackerbox apartment right off the
American River in Sacramento, CA. We immediately felt
something else there. The apartment was powerful, it
has an energy of its own. And my wife and I are both
quite sensitive to that.
We believe that spirits are here, as well as lost or
confused ghosts. The only difference between her and I
is that she thinks they are “creepy”... and I don’t. I
find them absolutely fascinating! Now, in this
apartment of ours, we both just knew that there was an
energy field that was quite strong. Some call it
residual energy if it is repetitive, but this wasn’t
like that. This was a definite feel of a personality
with us. A woman, wearing a long dress and bare foot,
and she was always in our hallway.
Every once in a while, day or night, at any time my
wife or I or both of us would hear the sound of
footsteps going down our long hallway. Only it wasn’t
like boots-on-hardwood, but always like bare feet
making gentle presses on plush carpet. We strongly
“felt” that the spirit was a woman and was very sweet.
She would just walk down the hallway toward the
If I were in one of the bedrooms, I would always have
a small feeling of happiness go through me after I
heard her coming, the way you would feel if someone
smiled at you in passing. Occasionally we would feel
her watching when we were in the front room (my wife
saw her face around the corner at least twice) or we
would feel her gaze through the doorway when we were
in the back bedroom. Apparently, the hallway was where
her “domain” was. There were never cold spots, but my
wife would sometimes feel the lady next to her when
she walked from the bedrooms to the front room. The
lady made my wife feel freaked, however, where I had
grown quite fond of her.
She once startled me, my wife, when she came running
into the bedroom and dove onto the bed next to me, her
eyes wide open. She explained while nearly
hyperventilating, that the lady had moaned in her ear,
as if trying to say something to her through the
thickness of a dream. So for the sake of my wife, I
reluctantly stood in the hallway and asked the lady
nicely, but firmly that she could remain, but to not
make her presence known to us. I also informed her
about “the light” just in case she didn’t know, and
how she could enter into it and that she had loved
ones there waiting for her.
Since that moment, neither myself or my wife have
heard or seen the lady. Which makes me kind of sad,
because I really liked her and I still miss her even
today. I would have liked to know her better.
In the back bedroom also, we had residual energy or
maybe it was passive ghost. I often felt watched when
I was in there, and it was usually ten to fifteen
degrees cooler, even if the afternoon sun was spilling
in. I don’t think my wife felt that, and no one else
did either to my knowledge. But I have felt it
strongly, so I placed a micro-cassette recorder in
there with a sensitive microphone and recorded for the
duration of the thirty minute tape.
The only odd things that I had heard on the tape were
the occasional whistle that changed in octave. The
sound only lasted for a half a second, but it is a
very audible, breathy whistle that went up in octave
like the first part of a wolf-whistle! That was
interesting, and normally I’d dismiss it if it weren’t
for some of our possessions being misplaced in our
apartment that suddenly turn up in odd places!
Our truck keys for instance quite suddenly disappeared
one morning without a trace anywhere. The truck was
searched over twice, and the apartment was turned
upside down. So I made duplicates at Home Depot, and
gave them to my wife, who used them to drive to a
doctor’s appointment that day. When the appointment
was over, she walked back out to the truck and opened
the door with the duplicate key. There on the driver’s
side seat was the original set of keys that were
missing, sitting upright at the edge of the seat, on
the tips of the keys and keychain as if carefully
placed there in a pyramid like fashion. She would have
certainly known if they were there before she went to
the appointment!
She called me at work in hysterics, telling me all
about it! I don’t mind spirits and ghosts being
around, and I sometimes consider them friends,
depending on how friendly they are. In my opinion,
ghosts are simply spirits without bodies. Some are
angry, some nice, and some are jokers! When you come
across one, respect him or her just as you would
another human being. Make friends with it or ask it to
leave. It’s your choice.
But never disrespect a ghost because of childhood
Halloween stories! They are intelligent people who are
a bit lost at the moment and confused about where they
are. Either that or what you are seeing is residual
energy that is playing itself over and over. In that
case, perhaps there are beds of quartz nearby or under
your feet. Quartz is a very good recorder of energy.
Lots of residual hauntings do happen around large
quantities of quartz or other such crystal rock.
If you happen to have one around you, simply ask it to
walk into the light where friends and loved ones await
them. Be firm, but friendly. Some spirits won’t
believe you and will continue to stay. Some will be
attracted to you because of the energy your own aura
has (inner energy). You can’t make a spirit go
anywhere, but perhaps it will help if you point it in
the right direction.
Thanks so much, Jason. Amazing experiences!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I decided to make a web page with all the photos I took last night.
Every night when we walk through this living room, it feels different. Some nights its not bad, other nights it feels like there are people sitting around, who stop what they are doing to look at you when you walk through. Last night, though, it felt like someone was right there next to me as I walked through, and it felt as though they were trying to grab my arm.
These PICTURES have not been altered, except in size.
30 years ago, my family bought the house my mother still owns. For 30 years, my family has lived with shadows, lights, voices, furniture moving, raps in the walls, and various other oddities in the nights.
One year ago, my husband, son and I moved in with her. We have witnessed even more activity in this year.
I recently purchased a digital camera, and took my first photos of what I consider to be evidence of ghosts. If you are not a believer, you will not sway my opinion by arguing with me. I have created this blog to post my evidence, and what ever evidence I may find in the future, along with some of the stories of my family. If you don't agree with my opinions, go elsewhere. I did not create this to be a place to argue over the existence of spirits, or ghosts. This is what I believe.
I also want to post other reader's stories, and photos if you have them. If you have stories or photos you would like to share, please email them to me, with "GHOSTS" in the subject line, to:
Welcome to Shadow Visitations, for all those with open minds.
One year ago, my husband, son and I moved in with her. We have witnessed even more activity in this year.
I recently purchased a digital camera, and took my first photos of what I consider to be evidence of ghosts. If you are not a believer, you will not sway my opinion by arguing with me. I have created this blog to post my evidence, and what ever evidence I may find in the future, along with some of the stories of my family. If you don't agree with my opinions, go elsewhere. I did not create this to be a place to argue over the existence of spirits, or ghosts. This is what I believe.
I also want to post other reader's stories, and photos if you have them. If you have stories or photos you would like to share, please email them to me, with "GHOSTS" in the subject line, to:
Welcome to Shadow Visitations, for all those with open minds.
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