Saturday, September 29, 2007


This picture that I took in my mother's living room was picked for the ghosts pictures page of the Derek Acorah Website.

He is one of the guest psychics who occasionally appears on the "Most Haunted" television show.

We don't watch that show that often, because the host of the show, can't remember her name at the moment, drives me crazy...
She asks the spirits to give them a sign of their presence, and if anything happens, she screams her bloomin' head off... Stupid woman!! Don't ask if you don't want to know!!!!

Anyway... Thought that my pic being on the website was cool...

Interesting developments...

A friend of mine, who wishes to remain nameless, has been able to see "ghosts" since he was a child, sees them like real people, only they tend to walk through walls...

He says that he sees a lot more of them in Greensburg now... Do you think that spirits that were attached to houses were set free when the houses were destroyed by the tornado?

We are going to try an experiment soon with his vision and my camera....

Interesting blog...

A friend of mine sent me the link to "Scruffyhippo's Blog". Great blog...can't wait until I have time to read the archives!

Thanks, Moonshadow!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Sad news...

I just learned that psychic Peter James, of the Queen Mary fame, died July 31 of a heart attack. Read the story HERE.

I loved the investigation he did on the "Sally House" in Atchinson, Kansas.